The Twilight Saga

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The Twilight Saga

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I thought the thick woods would be a problem, but to my surprise, they were very helpful. When I was ready to land, I grabbed a branch at random and stopped. He swung twice from the branch of the Sika spruce, then rolled over and stood on it. It's unbelievable. I could hear Edward running this way, and I jumped twice as far as he did, with my own bell-like laughter. When he came to my tree, his eyes were wide open, and I jumped quickly from the branch to his side. The silent landing of the sole of the foot. Did I do well? I want to know so much, because the expectation even quickens my breathing. It's very good. He smiled appreciatively, even though his facial expression was relaxed, but his surprised eyes betrayed him. Can we try again? Don't be distracted, Bella. We're hunting. "Oh, yes," I nodded. "Hunting." "Follow me." If you can do it. He had a smirk, a little mocking, and then suddenly started. His pace was much faster than mine,Ceramic Bobbin, and it was impossible to imagine how he could throw his arms at a speed that even I could not see clearly, far beyond my ability. However, I was stronger than him, and each step was three steps longer than his. In this way, I followed him closely through the sea of green trees. When I run, the feeling of pleasure makes me smile uncontrollably. The silent smile did not slow me down,Alumina Ceramic C795, let alone distract me. Now I finally understand why Edward is never afraid of running into a tree-it's always been a mystery to me before. It's like having a special sixth sense that balances speed and vision. Why is it visual? As I rocketed through the fog-shrouded labyrinth, everything around me was supposed to look like a stripe of green light, but I could clearly see the green buds on the smallest branch of any tree. The cool wind blew up my hair and made my skirt fly behind me. When it flowed over my skin, I felt so unreasonably warm. It seemed that the rough ground of the forest should not be like velvet under my naked feet, let alone the sharp edges of the leaves caressing my skin like feathers. The forest seemed to come to life-all kinds of tiny creatures living in piles and piles under every leaf around it. After we passed by, they all became silent, breathing faster with fear. Animals seem to be more sensitive to our smell than humans. Of course, this is not good for me. I kept waiting for my breath to catch, but it didn't work; I kept waiting for my muscles to start burning, but as I got more used to the pace, I just got stronger. And my steps got bigger and bigger, and soon Edward had to start chasing me. When I heard him fall behind me, Kamado bbq grill ,Ceramic Band Heater, I laughed again and jumped for joy. It takes a long time to take a step on the ground with bare feet, which makes me feel more like flying than running. Devil He gave a dry cry, and his voice became so lazy that I couldn't hear anything but his voice, and finally he stopped. A little rebellious thought slipped through my mind and I wanted to keep running. However, I sighed, turned and jumped gently to his side. We were already hundreds of yards away. I looked at him doubtfully. He raised one eyebrow and smiled. He was so beautiful that I couldn't look away. Do you want to stay in the country for a while? He joked. "Or are you planning to move on and go to Canada this afternoon?" "Just stay here," I agreed, finally released from his voice but confused by the movement of his lips as he spoke. It's hard not to be distracted by anything your keen new eyes see. What are we going to hunt? "Elk.". I think this is your first hunt, so let's start with something simple. The more he spoke, the more he whispered, especially when he noticed that my pupils contracted after I heard the word'simple '. But I don't want to fight. I'm too thirsty. When I think of the burning throat of thirst, it takes up all my thoughts. It's definitely getting worse. My mouth is as dry as the Grand Canyon of Death on a June afternoon. "Where?" I asked, scanning the forest impatiently, trying to forget the thirst, but it seemed to infect all the thoughts in my mind, and I tried to think of happy things, running and Edward's lips, Edward's kisses, and.. A burning thirst. I just can't get rid of it. "Stand here and wait," he said, gently grabbing my shoulders. When his hand touched my body, the thirst seemed to fade for a while. "Now close your eyes," he whispered. When I obeyed, he took my head in his hands and gently stroked my cheek. My breathing quickened and I waited in vain for the blush to come. "Listen carefully," Edward instructed. "Do you hear anything?" Everything, I was going to say. His perfect voice, his breath, the opening and closing of his lips as he spoke, the murmur of the birds in the trees as they preened, the sound of their rapid heartbeat, the rustle of the wind through the maple leaves, the footsteps of ants as they lined up to pass. But I knew he meant a special sound, so I stretched my ears as far as I could, looking for something more special than the bustle of tiny life around me. There was a clearing not far from us — there was a different sound when the wind blew through the grass — and at the edge of the stony stream in the water, beside the rushing sound of the current, I heard the tongue of some animal beating against the water, and the low, strong heart speeding up the blood flow. It's like my throat has tasted this delicacy. Beside the stream,ceramic igniter electrodes, northeast? I asked, still with my eyes closed. That's right He affirmed, "Now." Waiting for the wind to blow again. Can you smell anything? 。

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