My experience with ghosts

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My experience with ghosts

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I looked up and said with a wry smile, "I don't want to climb either, but if I don't take that bag down tonight, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep for a long time." But to tell you the truth, this tree is really not ordinary difficult to climb. Generally speaking, camphor trees are short and bloated trees with many branches, but these white camphor trees in the school are rare outliers. They not only grow more than 20 meters high, but also have almost no branches. Their straight trunks stand like bamboo in the sky, which almost makes people mistake them for poplars from a distance. But the most excessive thing is that I don't know which worker is so wicked. He killed all the twigs below eight meters of the trunk of the white camphor tree, which can be easily climbed by people. He shaved them clean, which made it very difficult for me to climb up. Almost every two meters I moved up, I would be tired and panting. I had to stop and rest for a long time. Hey, night, do you want me to throw a towel to wipe your sweat, huh? Xue Ying stood leaning against the tree, wrapping her coat tightly and taunting me. I gave a hard look down and scolded softly: "Give me the lamp,ultrasonic sonochemistry machine, I will fall down and crush you to death!" " As he spoke, his hands and feet were not idle. He kicked his legs, which were clamping the trunk, and finally caught a tree trunk. Beyond the dangerous distance of eight meters, the rest of the place is relatively easy. After climbing up carefully for more than ten minutes, I finally came to the branch where the blue bag was hanging. My heart was beating fast with excitement. I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and lifted the bag into my hand. My body began to tremble. My left hand trembled and turned on the flashlight. I couldn't wait to look at the blue bag in my hand. Very light. This is my first feeling when I mention it. The bag was made of blue sackcloth,ultrasonic generator driver, and from the dust and discoloration on it, it should have been hanging on the tree for a long time. No, there is an oblate object with a diameter of about ten centimeters in the bag. Pinch with the hand, soft, but can not feel what is inside. The chill of the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the top of the tree kept shaking in the summer night wind, which almost made me unable to stand on my feet. I used the nylon rope I brought with me to hang the bag down, and then quickly slid down the tree. Xueying was squatting and looking at the cloth bag curiously. She wanted to open it, but felt that it was disgusting. She had to poke the bag with her forefinger, but immediately withdrew her hand as if she had been bitten by something. She frowned and said to me, "Do you think the school legend says that the baby's body is in this disgusting cloth bag?" "I don't think I'll be so lucky." Shaking my head, I carefully untied the blue linen and said, ultrasonic metal welding ,ultrasonic dispersion machine, "Do you know there is a strange custom in many villages?" "What custom?" "There are many people in the countryside who believe that all living things have souls. If you kill pigs, ducks, and other livestock and poultry, you should cut off their livers and put them in bags and hang them on trees, so that their corpses and souls will not come to you." As I pulled out the inner layer, I said, "In some places, the placenta of a dead baby is hung on a tree to soothe the soul.". They believe that if the soul of a dead baby is disturbed, the dead baby will return to his parents every night and suck the Yang Qi of his relatives. "Stop talking, it's terrible!" Xue Ying looked around and shivered. I laughed. "It's all just superstition. There's nothing to be afraid of." I finally untied the last knot, and I pulled the blue linen apart to reveal what was inside. Inside was a bundle wrapped in a piece of gray-blue cloth. I unfolded it, and a pile of rags of clothes appeared before our eyes. What are these? Xue Ying cried out in surprise: "There is no bone in it at all!" "These should be the uniforms of our school more than ten years ago." I turned over the rags with my hands and looked at them carefully. "It's a girl's school uniform. The girl is about 1.6 meters tall.". There are pieces of underwear here? Well, it seems that her breasts should be very.. I felt my head was knocked hard. I raised my face in surprise. Xueying stared at me angrily: "How can you boys be so lecherous?" "Sister, I'm just saying what I see!" My name is wronged. Xue Ying snorted, "Although I know you very well, some words can't be said in front of a lady." "This guy is not making a fuss with the owner of this pile of rags." I muttered under my breath. He left her vexatious behind and began to look at her again. What is this? Holding the rag carefully, I came across a piece of cardboard of a business card. I pulled it out and looked at it carefully. It turned out to be a very old school card. I was so excited that I moved the light of the flashlight in a hurry to see the words clearly, and suddenly I felt very quiet all around. Xueying, who had been whispering in her ear just now, stopped talking. She leaned on my back and trembled all over. What's the matter with you? I asked strangely. Listen, it sounds like a baby crying. She began to shiver with fear. I pricked up my ears and listened carefully for a while, but I didn't find anything unusual? Why can't I hear it? As soon as the voice fell, a chill crept up his head from his back. On the soles of the feet, a faint cry began to ring, more and more, is the baby's cry, the cry of pain! The sharp voice echoed in the camphor forest, which seemed to resonate with every tree. The hollow cry was dry and penetrating, and even if you covered your ears, you could hear it clearly, and the fear it brought to your heart was freezing. Reason can no longer play any role in fear. Primitive instinct made me wake up quickly from extreme shock and fear. I grabbed the bundle with my left hand, pulled Xueying with my right hand, and ran out of the woods. My mind began to get confused, and as I ran, my brain was trying to suppress the fear while dealing with the amount of doubt that rushed into my brain at high speed. At a glance just now, I clearly wrote down the information left on the school card. "Zhou Jian, Class 3,ultrasonic cutting machine, Grade 3, Class 62, Xuequan Township First School." 。

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